Saturday, March 16, 2019

creation of props

   Hey everyone, I have started working getting my props set for filming on set on Sunday. It's not a lot of props but one of the interesting things is I am trying create my own "DeVia" art work for the shoot. Sadly enough Dylan is not an artist therefore I am making all of his sketches and artwork to trace and color in for when we film. It's interesting to try and come up with art work that would in a way be symbolic for things experiences/felt by deaf people. I originally wanted to also include a scene of Dylan originally painting but upon further research, the cost of a large canvas seems too expensive for it to not turn out to be a good piece of art work, since I am no Picasso and neither is Dylan. I have now just shifted all/any art created to being in a sketch book for him to outline in the future. Along with that not many other props are needed. I have set out any other necessary materials we would need but we should be all set.
   I have also started now adding and modifying the Social Media. I have created a Instagram and Facebook for this film, hopefully I will be able to post content starting tomorrow when we film. I have also changed all the names to say Listen because frankly I think the name is now going to stick. Other than that all I can say is I am excited to film tomorrow and see how it all plays out!
That's a Rapp on this post, till next time!

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