Sunday, March 17, 2019

filming part 1

   Hey everyone, first day of filming is done! I kinda have a mixed feeling on how it turned out; don't get me wrong though we had a blast together filming, in fact I even made a quick (rough edit) blooper reel from today's footage.

   Today I had told Mariana and Dylan to come over first at 11 am and then told Dean and Owen to join in later at 12 pm. I ended up spending the good majority of the time today teaching everyone their lines and how to sign certain things. In all honesty the shots themselves were not extremely difficult or intricate so it helped the overall process of filming, but because I underestimated the difficulty of some of the signs we had to change what I had originally planned on the story board so that the lines could be more broken up so it would be easier for the actors to sign full sentences. Along with that to save time, I would from time to time act as a "sign prompter" for the actors. I would stand behind whoever the character was suppose to be looking at signing their lines so that they wouldn't have to fully memorize the lines and they could more than anything mimic what I was doing. We also chose to change some of the scenes since I had originally planned on filming in multiple locations, preferably at school, so we could do as many scenes as possible to utilize our time.
    With that being said a lot of the actors had to leave at certain points, not being able to stay long for some of the shots, with us having to finish all filming by 3 pm. We were not able to get all the shots needed so I am a little anxious. Luckily Dylan, Mariana, Owen, and I have privilege for fourth period on A Days *.  They have all agreed to stay at school and film the rest of the scenes during said period on Monday (March 18) but for Mariana I know that will essentially be her only free time available till April 14 (sadly ironic). I want to try to finish in that free period tomorrow. My only concern is that Dean, who plays a substantial role, does in deed have class that period. Talking to him about it he said that the class he has that period is not busy at this time so he would be able to ask his teacher to see if he could leave class to act; I told him I would rather him focus on working in his class and I would figure something else out but he insisted that he would ask his teacher because he feels as though there is no harm in asking. In all honesty if he is being truthful in his claims then hopefully Dean would be available to act during that period. I'm going to try and come up with some alternatives though in case worst come to worst.
That's a Rapp on this post, till next time!

 * For those of you who are unfamiliar with the schedule at Cypress Bay, we work on what is called a A/B Day schedule. This means we have four courses one day and another four on the following day, rotating to have certain courses essentially every other day. In addition to that seniors and juniors with a certain grade point average can receive a free period called privilege (meaning they are technically allowed to leave school a class period early).

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