Saturday, March 9, 2019


Howdy everyone, I have decided that its about time I start naming my character's, settings and most importantly the film itself!
I have been contemplating what to name my characters and establishing setting mainly based off of popularity of names, general settings that are more accessible to me but also make sense with the story, and also general connections to names that I make when thinking of said places and names.
Here are the names I was thinking of in correlation to the characters:
Deaf Main Character = Christopher (Chris as a nick name?)
Best Friend to MC = James (JJ as a nick name?)
Female Friend/Love Interest = Emma
I picked these names because not only are they popular names of teenagers born in 2000s but also they are names that are simple to sign. 
Along with that I want this story to take place in a suburban area to show the sheltered lives of some of these teenagers and the impact of the introduction to someone unique/different from the normal like Chris to a sort of cookie cutter society. With this in mind I think the city I live in (Weston) is perfect for this, so I hope to use my school and my house as the primary filming locations.
In terms of the title for the film, I was trying to think of something witty and unique but my mind is coming to a blank. In all honesty my best idea at the moment is to call it "Listen".
I know that sounds corny and cheesy but my idea behind it is that I wanna show this character for more than just his deafness. When I saw Listen I mean to use it as both a slight pun because the main character is deaf but also because Chris' main objective throughout the story is for him to find himself, growing as a person, but also to get the rest of the hearing world to acknowledge him. This whole film more than anything else is suppose to show him expressing himself, ultimately (sorry for how corny this is going to sound) trying to get people to listen to him. I want to continue thinking of a name to see if I come up with anything less clique, so I will let you all know if I find anything.
That's a Rapp on this post, till next time!

“Social Security.” Reports, Facts and Figures | Press Office | Social Security Administration, Social Security Administration,

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